we.CONECT Global Leaders is a German-based international B2B conference and training development company focused entirely on providing strategies, tactics and solutions to help individuals become more successful in their professional life and business. At the heart of everything we do is a fundamental belief in the power of people. Our essential ingredient is that we really do care about our customers, our partners and our staff. We invest our own time and knowledge into developing something that is far more than an event. This philosophy sets a climate where ideas and people grow. Where minds and hearts open up to fresh thinking and new faces. At we.CONECT, the people and their intensive knowledge comes first. With these people we provide more than 40 years research, marketing, event organization and sales experience. we.CONECT delivers more than 70 premier strategic events per annum focusing on best practices, latest business issues, industry trends and future developments of the cutting edge programs. We hold the highest standards in developing quality driven content and engaging renowned industry speaking faculties to create a truly unique and worthwhile conference and training experience. We are constantly looking for new and innovative ways to deliver high-quality, market focused events to suit your needs. To share your thoughts and suggestions, please feel free to contact us at info@we-conect.com.