
Ulli Geppert

HR Transformation Expert / Former CHRO Media-Saturn-Holding, Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH

Ulli Geppert was Executive Vice President and CHRO at Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH until the beginning of 2019. Mr Geppert has advised Media-Saturn on various transformation projects since 2015. The business graduate is considered a specialist for change processes and executive development. After completing his studies, he initially worked as Chief Consultant for Kerkhoff Consulting from 1991 to 1996. Subsequently, he was marketing and sales manager of Dr. Suwelack for four years. Since 2000, he has been the owner of Geppert Management Training and has advised various large companies, including in the retail, services and telecommunications sectors. Partner at Oxford Leadership since 2012.


Media-Saturn-Holding GmbH

MediaMarktSaturn is Europe’s leading commerce company for consumer electronics and related services. The MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group sees itself as a partner, daily companion and navigator in the digital world. As subsidiary of CECONOMY AG, MediaMarktSaturn Retail Group and its approximately 62,000 employees in 14 countries generate total sales of about €22 billion per year. The key to our success lies in the hard work and commitment of our employees. Our corporate philosophy is based on the concept of granting each individual a high degree of personal responsibility and freedom while at the same time ensuring that they take pleasure in the work they do.